
Rejuvapen is a state of the art medical device, available only through trained professionals, Rejuvapen is based on fractional collages induction therapy, or also referred to as micro-needling- the procedure where the bodies natural response to healing is used to increase the amount of extra cellular matrix (such as collagen and elastin) in the skin. Excellent for: * Skin Rejuvenation and tightening * Acne scarring * Stretch marks * Traumatic scars *Fine lines and moderate wrinkles

The Science

Micro needling relies on the principle of neocollagenesis (new collagen production) and neovascularization (formation of functional microvascular networks with red blood cell perfusion) that occurs as a result of the release of growth factors following needle piercing of the stratum corneum.

Growth factors are believed to be responsible for the beneficial effects of the procedure in the treatment of scars and photoageing. The precise action for enhancing growth factor during microneedling and subsequently superior tissue viability appears to be rely on two different mechanisms, it has been suggested that both work simultaneously resulting in an enhanced outcome.

  • One treatment€199
  • Course of 4 treatments€699

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